Ohne Kunst & kreativen Ausdruck bleibt das Innere oft unerkannt. Kunst macht das Nichtsichtbare sichtbar, das Spürbare erkennbar.
Kreativität ist eine Lebenskraft. Das Bild ist pur. Erst das Bild, dann das Wort.

Flowing water always prevails and remains my eternal teacher of letting go. Be water my friend it says.
Suddenly lava appears in front of my inner eye. I feel that my limits have been crossed. Boundaries can gradually harden, but anger can explode everything again.
I am soft again, I feel the constant change.
Acryl 50×40cm
Calm in the Storm
The feeling of lifting oneself up inwardly out of the outer turmoil, of stepping out and still being present."
Acryl 60×80

Ladies rise
"When conscious women come together, I feel the space is given, not taken. The being is seen. Infinite force can arise that pulsates to the beat of the earth. You raise me,so I do. It's the naturally rhythm.
Acryl 80×60 cm
Fluid universe
I sometimes wonder how much influence is necessary at all, because letting flow is a process of allowing. There is a merger and a new quality is always created.
Some years ago I named myself to be an artist. Used to I thought I am not allowed to say that because I thought there are some priviliged chosen one. I changed, because I understood how much I was influenced by everyone and couldn't trust what feels right for me.
Now I am truly happy, because I ask questions of life which touches me deep.
Acryl, 120×100 cm

Deep Dive
I am here in the water. I have space to swim. I know the deep ground. Elevations from the elevations, a vigorous hill, mossy covered. This is my world. A piece of yourself. This is myself. It is not from the outside. I am always there, even if you don't see me.
Acryl 60×80