Anna Kruse
"My best allies are embodiment, sound, inner images, art and nature. When it all comes together I feel depth, meaning and aliveness."
About me
I work as a movement and dance therapist, non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, mentor, systemic body-oriented coach, tantra yoga teacher and I am currently in training to become a Gestalt therapist. The different approaches from depth psychology, systemic therapy to humanistic psychology give me a holistic perspective and variety of methods.
My offer ranges from individual, longer process accompaniment, to group seminars, workshops and rituals. In Berlin Kreuzberg, I currently offer two courses.
Online you can also work with me from any location.
I work with methods of movement and dance therapy, gestalt therapy, tantra yoga, breathwork, systemic constellation and therapy, the inner child, rituals and much more. Since I am also a freelance artist, I integrate every form of creative expression.
I have worked from 2016-2022 in a psychiatric hospital as a dance therapist, as a group therapist (meditation, mindfulness, social skills training) and social pedagogue, and during this time I have continuously educated myself. The experience of working with seriously ill people has shaped my way of working and I developed a deep understanding of the psychodynamics of mental illness. At the same time, I couldn't let go of the question of what else healing means and where I can make my attitude towards it come alive in other spaces.
In addition to my work in the clinic, I led another dance therapy group with a focus on eating disorders.
The interaction of body, mind and spirit is often deeply disturbed in the problematic and my work gained more and more sensitivity to small-step processes.
I am so grateful for all the special people I was allowed to accompany so far and that they became my teachers and showed me that there is no right or wrong but only individual ways.
Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie
Prüfung und Zulassung durch das Gesundheitsamt Berlin - Tempelhof-Schöneberg
Tanz- und Bewegungstherapeutin
Berufsverband www.btd-tanztherapie.de, Tanztherapie Zentrum Berlin www.tanztherapie-zentrum-berlin.de
Gestalttherapeutin i. A.
IGE, www.heldenreise.de
Heilpädagogische Tanzleitung
Tanztherapie Zentrum Berlin www.tanztherapie-zentrum-berlin.de
Systemisches Coaching
ZEW der Fachhochschule Potsdam
Tantra Yoga Teacher
Sozialpädagogin B.A.
Schwerpunkt Entwicklungspychologie, Fachhochschule Potsdam
zertifizierte Kinderschutzfachkraft
insoweit erfahrene Fachkraft nach §§ 8a, 8b Abs. 1 SGB VIII § 4 Abs. 2 KKG, geprüft durch die Kammer der Technik Berlin
I work as a movement and dance therapist, non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, mentor, systemic body-oriented coach, tantra yoga teacher and I am currently in training to become a Gestalt therapist. The different approaches from depth psychology, systemic therapy to humanistic psychology give me a holistic perspective and variety of methods.
My offer ranges from individual, longer process accompaniment, to group seminars, workshops and rituals. In Berlin Kreuzberg, I currently offer two courses.
Online you can also work with me from any location.
I work with methods of movement and dance therapy, gestalt therapy, tantra yoga, breathwork, systemic constellation and therapy, the inner child, rituals and much more. Since I am also a freelance artist, I integrate every form of creative expression.
I have worked from 2016-2022 in a psychiatric hospital as a dance therapist, as a group therapist (meditation, mindfulness, social skills training) and social pedagogue, and during this time I have continuously educated myself. The experience of working with seriously ill people has shaped my way of working and I developed a deep understanding of the psychodynamics of mental illness. At the same time, I couldn't let go of the question of what else healing means and where I can make my attitude towards it come alive in other spaces.
In addition to my work in the clinic, I led another dance therapy group with a focus on eating disorders.
The interaction of body, mind and spirit is often deeply disturbed in the problematic and my work gained more and more sensitivity to small-step processes.
I am so grateful for all the special people I was allowed to accompany so far and that they became my teachers and showed me that there is no right or wrong but only individual ways.
Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie
Prüfung und Zulassung durch das Gesundheitsamt Berlin - Tempelhof-Schöneberg
Tanz- und Bewegungstherapeutin
Berufsverband www.btd-tanztherapie.de, Tanztherapie Zentrum Berlin www.tanztherapie-zentrum-berlin.de
Gestalttherapeutin i. A.
IGE, www.heldenreise.de
Heilpädagogische Tanzleitung
Tanztherapie Zentrum Berlin www.tanztherapie-zentrum-berlin.de
Systemisches Coaching
ZEW der Fachhochschule Potsdam
Tantra Yoga Teacher
Sozialpädagogin B.A.
Schwerpunkt Entwicklungspychologie, Fachhochschule Potsdam
zertifizierte Kinderschutzfachkraft
insoweit erfahrene Fachkraft nach §§ 8a, 8b Abs. 1 SGB VIII § 4 Abs. 2 KKG, geprüft durch die Kammer der Technik Berlin
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Meine persönliche Aufgabe im Leben ist es immer wieder emotionale Klarheit zu gewinnen und mich von den gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen anderer lösen zu können.
Das gelingt mir über den Kontakt mit meinem Körper und somit mit meiner Seele.
Das Leben in all seinen Facetten, Schatten und Dimensionen zu begreifen ist mein unstillbarer Antrieb. Die Arbeit mit der Körperweisheit bedeutet für mich Friedensarbeit. Meine Vision ist, besonders Frauen wieder an ihre weibliche Urkraft zu erinnern, um wieder inneren Frieden zu erlangen und im Einklang mit der Natur zu leben. Sich verbunden und gleichzeitig selbstwirksam zu fühlen ist dafür notwendig.
Ich bin auch für dich da, in den Worten von Rumi:
"Jenseits von richtig und falsch liegt ein Ort, wir treffen uns dort."